Republic Services Garbage and Recycling Schedule –  2025:   Republic Services Garbage and Recycling Schedule –  2025 Superior-A-Week-2025-Recycle.pdf Superior-B-Week-2025-Recycle.pdf

Election News

Please note that new election laws have recently been put into place.  Effective with November’s election, absentee ballots MUST BE RECEIVED AT THE POLLING LOCATION BY ELECTION DAY.  Previously, they had to be postmarked by election day, but could be received until the Friday after election.  This is no longer the case.

If you have not yet registered to vote, please download and complete the VOTER REGISTRATION form and return it with proof of residence.  You may be a resident now for only 10 days prior to registration.  (Please see the instructions on the back of the form.)

If you would like to vote absentee, and are already registered, please download, complete and sign the APPLICATION FOR ABSENTEE BALLOT here, and return it with proof of identification. (Please see the instructions on the back of the form.)

If you need to register AND would like to vote absentee, please complete and sign both of the forms linked to above, and return with both proof of residence and proof of identification.  Please note that some forms of identification will provide both proofs (see the instructions on the back of each form).