Republic Services Garbage and Recycling Schedule –  2025:   Republic Services Garbage and Recycling Schedule –  2025 Superior-A-Week-2025-Recycle.pdf Superior-B-Week-2025-Recycle.pdf

Click Here to See Referendum Questions

There will be an advisory (non-binding) referendum held by the Town of Superior. The final decision on these questions will be voted on by the electors present during the annual Town Meeting on April 17, 2018 at the Town of Superior Town Hall.

Question 1: Shall the Town of Superior, Douglas County, WI, purchase land within the town at the cost not to exceed $25,000 for the purpose of constructing a new building for the Town of Superior Fire Department? Yes or No.

This purchase would come at no additional cost to town residents. The Town of Superior Volunteer Fire Dept. has previously raised monies during fundraisers and voted unanimously to give those proceeds to the Town to use to purchase the land.

Question 2: Shall the Town of Superior, Douglas County, Wisconsin, construct a new building for the Town of Superior Fire Department at a cost not to exceed $1.8 million in order to support the current and future needs of the Town? Yes or No.

Please note this is an advisory (non-binding) referendum. The final decision on the question will be voted on by the electors present during the annual Town meeting on April 17, 2018 at the Town of Superior Town Hall.