Republic Services Garbage and Recycling Schedule –  2025:   Republic Services Garbage and Recycling Schedule –  2025 Superior-A-Week-2025-Recycle.pdf Superior-B-Week-2025-Recycle.pdf

Note from Town Board regarding Garbage Services

Happy Holidays from your Town Board.  We realize how frustrating it can be when everyone’s normal schedule is interrupted or changed.  In particular, we realize that it’s frustrating when our regular garbage and recycling pickup doesn’t occur when it’s supposed to.  However, we have to consider several things:

1.  Neither the Town Board nor Republic Services can control the weather.
2.  Like every other business (since Covid-19 struck) Republic has only so many trucks and employees.  There are “Help Wanted” and “Now Hiring” signs everywhere it seems.
3.  The Town of Superior is NOT the only customer served by Republic which is to say that if they miss a pickup day because of weather, they still have their other customers to serve on their regular pickup days.  The buck has to stop somewhere.  If they change the days they pick up OUR Town, then another customer’s schedule is thrown off.  And so on and so on.
4.  If you would like to receive an automated service delay notification phone call when services are disrupted, rescheduled, delayed, etc., please call the local Republic number 715-549-3156 to put in a request.
The Town will endeavor to establish a regular practice with Republic rather than trying to find out what they plan to do each time something happens.  If the approved practice is to delay pickup for a week, then you don’t have to leave your can at the end of your driveway thinking that they might pick up the next day.  
IF we can achieve such an agreement, we will notify you here on the website.  Remember that every member of the Town Board is also a town resident, so we endure the same inconveniences that you do.  It’s part of the price we all pay for living in a place where nobody asks how much snow we want and when we want it.